Through the rain part 2
Okay here we go for part 2..I got home sometime after 1am on Sunday morning and all about preparing for the task at hand which was seeing and photographing the Indigo Girls of whom I have been a fan for a long time. We started out with breakfast with "the girls" aka Michelle and Mary, as well as Mel. Again the torrential rainfall started again, of course I kept saying I don't care as long as it doesn't rain tonight. This was the night I wanted really badly..I do not get the pleasure of going to concerts often, so I couldn't beat this!! This time I was able to get Loni to come with me, along with the promise of a backstage pass as well so she could be my "assistant" for the evening. So double bonus, a concert that I LOVE along with the one I love. So we head out early in the afternoon with the sun on our backs and a freshly purchased giant umbrella on our sides (never trust a weather person on a big night!) We walked around for a while since it has been almost 6 or 7 years since we had gone there together and this time we were not ducking and dodging people we didn't want to see. This time we were looking for people that we knew and hoped to see.
So, the big moment arrived for us to head back to the stage and prepare for a great show. I plunked Loni down in an ideal spot thinking that once I am doing getting some pictures I want to be able to sit and enjoy the show after words. Same rules as yesterday, well I forgot to mention that the day before on song 4 they said no more photos. So I was hoping they wouldn't do that tonight but knowing if they did, I could get enough pictures and then have a great concert. Well...not to have too much of an easy time, the clouds started to look somewhat ominous, and word from our friends at home it was really bad there. So, wouldn't you know it...Indigo Girls getting ready to come on, here comes the rain. Biggest difference from last night? The damn wind!! Instead of being "safe" in my 6 inch to 1 foot space, I now get drenched everywhere. I was trying not to panic as I would race from the stage balcony where Loni was sitting, and the "media tent" and trying to keep the camera dry.
I was just so worried that I would let Patrick down and wanted so much to have a successful shoot. As I was not paying attention I went running around the tour bus and should have seen the umbrella coming my way but who do I run into but Amy Ray and Emily..HOLY CRAP!! It started pouring and I was stuck under the media tent with them, their security and me.. that's it. I could have easily snapped a few pictures, perhaps asked them to sign my stage pass..but I was professional and figured that my day would come. I just didn't want to get kicked out!!
When they came on stage I just put all of that behind me and did my job. I was fighting with with umbrella, the rain was awful..trying to keep the camera dry and fight all the people that came out to take photos. At one point I was going to scrap the idea of getting more pictures and walked back to the tent when one of the ladies I had met asked me if she could use my umbrella. After watching her struggle for a few min, I ran back out there and told her I would hold it for her for a few pictures if she would return the favor so we could get some shots.
Long story short, time went too quick, the weather was too wet, but the reward was too wonderful. I could not have asked for a better opportunity, it was such an honor to do this for the magazine. I only hope to be able to do this again for an interview and a concert in July, but I don't want to get my hopes up too much. I am so in love with photography, I hope that someday I can pursue this in the future. I would love to take photography classes and travel around.
Without further delay here are some pictures: