Toot, Toot!

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It's not often that I get to toot my horn, or really get this excited about stuff but I have some fun coming up this weekend that I thought I would share. Totally random during the day my magizine friend calls up for another photo shoot oppertunity for me.

Anyway, here is what the call goes like:
Jenn:hey what's up?
mag guy: what you doing this weekend?
Jenn: why whats up
mag guy: how would you like to come out to Milwaukee and do the media for the magizine. Full access media pass with the oppertunity to meet with some people
Jenn: love to...who am i taking pictures of? you know i am working until midnight tonight
mag guy: tomorrow is Natasha Bedingfield, Indigo Girls on Sunday

So can I call myself a celebrity photographer now? I will get some facetime and up close and personal photos! Holy crap! I might also get to repeat this next month, but I don't want to get my own hopes up so we will see what happens. To describe how excited I am is just not possible right now. There is a slight part of me that is wondering if I am just out of my league, of do I really posess some slight hidden talent for photography?! How cool would it be to do this full time. The Magizine that sends me out is being hailed as the next Advocate so perhaps my future will be in it.
So I have a huge "to do" list for tomorrow, which includes some lawn mowing and other things, but I have to work until midnight so I am stuck sitting at work right now.
As a friend said, it's time some good stuff starts happening!


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