Goin home again

Tomorrow I head home again for a long weekend with my folks. Always a trying and emotional time for me, on the one hand I am excited to see my dad and some friends/family while I am in town. On the other hand there is such a tension between my mother and I it's palpable. Many of my friends here just do not understand that it is only for my father that I make this trip. I know that once he is gone I will miss him every single day and will be glad I took the time and endured whatever I had to to spend time to him.
I just wish once, just once they would finally meet my partner. But I cannot hold my breath for that day because I know it will never come. My folks are actually a lot of fun and I have some great times when I am with them. We laugh a lot and we enjoy each other's company as long as we have something to do..a focus.
I don't know if I really have a point to this other than just that I am stressed out.


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