It's fall??!

Where the hell does time go? I am sitting here writing when I am supposed to be working on homework- go figure. This is the time when thoughts flood my mind and I begin to think about things that I want to blog about. Not that I have all that many things to say but just to get things OUT.

Last weekend was Ironman WI again, ever inspiring weekend filled with yelling, cheering and being inspired by these athletes that push themselves to the limit. This year was fun because I was cheering on friends, quite a few of them this year. A few did not make it, but most of the did. I was there at 6:30am and left at 11pm. As soon as my friend Mindy was done she slugged me in the arm and asked when it was going to be my turn...well not next year but I have decided to begin my iron journey. The Ironman is still in my plan but with grad school in full swing now it will have to be something that I do not focus on now. However the ball has been tossed in my court and I am going to jump on it! Next summer I will be doing my first triathlon, I think it's in July.

Step 1...this winter I will begin the training. I will set up a serrate blog to track this journey, it might be a couple of year, but I will hear my name too!

Grad school, iyeye. I do homework and I go to work. Any questions? It's tough, it's a challenge and I am glad I am doing it. I get a little jealous of people that are not tied to a class or something like this but I know it will be over in a few years. I can do it!


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