Anniversary, Funhouse, Harry Potter,Chicago & the Flu
Cover of Dear Mr. President
Anyway, we met some friends at the exhibit and it really was a good time - had some lunch and made our way over to the hotel to freshen up before the concert. Oh did I mention that Loni had the flu? Slight complication that would change our trip slightly but we dealt with it. We met our friend Karen at her hotel and rode together to the concert. WHAT AN AMAZING SHOW - from the moment she took the stage to the moment she left...what a show. There was a moment when she did the song Dear Mr. President that I had to fight back tears. Something about that song just gets me anyway, but hearing it live was a different experience. What a show...
Sunday I was ready to take on some Chicago experience but Loni was just not feeling up to it so we went for a short trip to IKEA (only spent 8.43 what does that tell ya) and went home.
Oh I almost forgot, when we went to pick up Karen she surprised me with a visor from Ironman. They got some schwag while they were having the after dinner and they gave it to me for coming out to support. How sweet.
Happy 9 year Loni, what an amazing ride we have had - I can't wait to see what the next 9 years bring :O)