So I am sitting in the airport in Tampa Florida right now, getting ready to leave the nice 80+ weather and heading to where it is currently -24 wind chill and should get to a nice -40 by time I get home...can you believe it? I would love to stay :O)
Well I ended up having a great time down here, even though the other girl from my work bailed out on me before the trip I met 2 wonderful girls down here that I think will be in my life for quite some time.
So I guess I can share now what my iron in the fire is for a job. Being down here I have had a chance to chat with some people about their employers and I have decided that my work really does not care about me! They are not employee focused that is for sure! Anyway, a few months ago I decided that I would begin to go back down the path of law enforcement. I am going to be applying to Madison Police Department in March. Which means I have to get myself back in that mind set, but I think this is partly what I should be doing. Its really all I know! I have to work very hard to physically get myself back into the shape that I once was..but I can do it. I shared this will my parents while I was down here and they agree I am sort of "meant" to be a cop. Ultimately I want to be a detective or something else but right now this is what I am planning..we will see if I am accepted thought. But it is all I have!