So I have decided that no one really reads my blog. Not that I mind, it gives me a place out in cyberspace that I can share my thoughts and observations or whatever. Actually, I think I just have blog envy. I look at some of friends or family and they have TONS of people that comment. Oh well..that's how it flows.
On the exciting front, I have an interview tomorrow morning. Yippie! But I don't want to get too excited, this is just the beginning. I need to be very selective and really decide what it is that I want. What will make me happy. I will gladly shovel hay if that will make me smile and alleviate some of my stress.
So how is this for irony jumping into you email box in the morning. I subscribe to a daily email thing that said this
"Everybody in our life – one way or another - comes to help us in our correction process. Even the people who may hate us: ex-husbands, disgruntled employees, downstairs neighbors, former friends. Every person in our life is here to awaken another part of our correction.
It doesn't mean we aren't going to react. We can't always expect to thank someone who slaps or slanders us. But in the bigger picture, if we look at ourselves from afar, we can see that everyone in our life is here to teach us.
Today, as you deal with unpleasant people - especially the ones taking a big bite out of you – say a silent "thank you." Know they are there to open something for you in your corrective process."
Yup, just what I needed today. I think I said thank you a billion times today, kill 'em with kindness, I can make it though this.