The House
I really don't have time to post..its been too busy getting ready to move. Tomorrow morning we close at 9. Then everything is going to get busy, we have the Dish person, the TDS individual, and our refrigerator on the way. Hopefully before 10pm we can also get a kitchen table. Then we start moving on Thanksgiving. The realtor company was nice enough to include in our purchase a moving truck for free..all we have to do is put gas in it.
To be honest, I have not slept well since Friday, eaten good in the last few days, or focused on anything in a week. My mind is racing too much and I have so much on mind right now.
I will post more when things have settled down perhaps sat or Sunday. I am lucky enough to have some friends that want to help us out, for nothing in return but a little food. Since I am on call, I don't know how this will all work.. so of course I am stressing about that too!
Can't believe in 12 hours I am going to be a homeowner!