Either Get Movin or Life Will Pass You Buy
Things have been rather nuts lately, taking a lot of call, playing hockey, working new hours that I don't like. I need about 10 more hours a day and a few extra days a week! But in all hustle and bustle where does time go?
This weekend I am going to Great America with some hockey players which I am very excited about. I absolutely LOVE roller coasters and do not get to indulge in this very often. Anyway, extremely excited here!!
Sunday is another exciting day for me, going out with the realtor to look at houses. I think we have about 4 places lined up so far it will be busy. Then I have the late game for hockey. Last week's hockey game was a blast! I am so thankful for the events that led up to me joining. It's hard to believe that last year at this time I had just started what was to become my final year of college (oh yeah 12 years!!) and trying to decide how to buy a bike for the Aids ride. Now, 1 year later I have my first act ride under my belt, my first hockey season rockin, taking photos for a magazine, and the chance to make a difference for future riders by being on the steering committee for Act 6.
I don't know that I can explain why I am so passionate about these things at this point in my life when I have had so many other opportunities before. But I intend to grasp each one of them and do as much as I can, meet as many people as I can and make the world a better place. When I first started doing these things I was reaching out for friends and people to hang out with and grow my circle. I have been completely blessed with the individuals I have meet and enjoy getting to know them more. I have felt so isolated and alone lately that this is a wonderful change for me. Life is too short to not jump on all the things that come your way.
With that being said, I am very glad tomorrow is Friday, a movie I want to see opens up, maybe I will see if people want to go....