
Showing posts from October, 2007

It's been a while

I realized today that it has been a while since I have written anything on here so I thought I would catch up on the past few days. Hockey has been awesome! I don't really know how to put it into words, it was a lifesaver for me. It has given me something to be a part of again, I didn't realize just how much I missed being an athlete. I find myself striving to be better..although I find myself striving for that in almost everything now days. It is extremely scary to try something new, to branch out from your comfort zone and put oneself out there. But the people I have meet are such wonderful individuals, folks I have probably seen over the years but never talked to before. The house buying process is interesting, we looked at 6 homes on Sunday, only 1 or 2 decent ones. In fact I drove by 1 of them again tonight, just to get a feel in the dark. I actually like this one, but I don't want to make a rush decision and just like the one I saw first. So, by nature, my lack of d...

Either Get Movin or Life Will Pass You Buy

Things have been rather nuts lately, taking a lot of call, playing hockey, working new hours that I don't like. I need about 10 more hours a day and a few extra days a week! But in all hustle and bustle where does time go? This weekend I am going to Great America with some hockey players which I am very excited about. I absolutely LOVE roller coasters and do not get to indulge in this very often. Anyway, extremely excited here!! Sunday is another exciting day for me, going out with the realtor to look at houses. I think we have about 4 places lined up so far it will be busy. Then I have the late game for hockey. Last week's hockey game was a blast! I am so thankful for the events that led up to me joining. It's hard to believe that last year at this time I had just started what was to become my final year of college (oh yeah 12 years!!) and trying to decide how to buy a bike for the Aids ride. Now, 1 year later I have my first act ride under my belt, my first hockey seaso...

Momma Said There'd Be Days Like This...

Today is the kind of day that I guess I should have just stayed in bed! It actually all started this weekend when some little felon broke into one of our cars and stole a wallet. Fortunately, they were not smart enough to open the trunk where there was a hunting bow among other things.  So, yesterday morning was spent calling the bank and various other credit agencies putting fraud alerts out and closing accounts. So all seemed to be okay by last night...that was until it was time to get ready for work this morning. First there was no hot water, can't be that hard to light the pilot light right? So I mosey out there in my robe with my mag light (I know what your thinking, I looked SO cute!) Rather than trying to figure out how to light the damn thing, I notice a lovely leak flowing freely from a pipe. Not a big deal I say, call the landlord. Since he lives upstairs, I can hear exactly where he is in the house so not a problem I give him a call. My landlord bein...

I had the strangest dream

I thought I would write this down before I forgot anything. It was very vivid and felt almost real! I was on the Act ride I believe, we were all in a field at a pit stop. Scanning the faces around me, some were easily recognizable, so were people from hockey and others I know that I knew, however, I don't know their names. Somehow I knew we were being held hostage because there was a woman that was ordering me around that I really did not like. I kept glaring at her and plotting ways to overthrow her control on us. As we were being led into an area to put our lunches I noticed that it was getting significantly colder. When we entered the next room we were standing before a huge iceberg floating in a pond (think of the zoo), and then all of us were walking around on it. This was where I was able to put some names to the faces, I think my old roommate Dawn was out there, Gerry, Bri, Paula. Those guys were all out in the water, almost swimming around, and the rest of us were way up on...

Another Assignment

Well I was asked again tonight to do another shoot for Our Lives Magazine , which I am completely stoked about! This time, I will get to go down State Street so at least there is not a long drive. I am sure that this shoot will take me a full day since I tend to people watch a lot and enjoy my time down on state street. There are 7 places I can choose to visit, and most of them are new to me so this will be a riot. In other news, Sunday night is the first game for hockey. Last week we were able to take the ice with our teams and practice for a little while. I must admit, I felt so lost out there! But I know with each week we will improve and learn how to be more efficient out there. I am somewhat interested in learning defense, but I think my skating skills need to improve first. I just don't need the glory of scoring, however, I like the idea of protecting the goal. But time will tell!!

One giant leap for us

I just walked in the door from meeting with a realtor, and we are starting to look for a house. This was something that I have wanted for a long time, yet somehow I didn't think I would ever be at that point. I remember saying right before we walked in that I was very nervous, as soon as I met Sherry that instantly melted those butterflies away. As we got back into the car, we looked at each other and the only thing we said was "here we go." To think that I can have my own driveway, with my own one to hear climb up their stairs, or pissing in the toilet!! A place that I can call my own, and it is the biggest decision I have ever made. I have wondered if we will be treated like every other couple looking for a home of their own. With that being said, our real estate agent is a little firecracker! She is a take no crap, take down names and keep movin kind of lady. I think she will be the perfect to help us choose our starter home. She has promised this to be a fu...

A Thought Provoking Day

Today was a journey into my own mind, and the Starved Rock State Park in IL. We walked over 6 miles of some of the most beautiful, thought-provoking  scenery I have seen in a long time. Although it was my folks and I, we would run into people along the trails, have a chance to climb some canyons and just take in the beauty of nature. But along the way, we would have to stop so my dad could take some breaks and I began to think again. I am fortunate to have my father in my life, even in it's limited capacity, and I treasure this relationship. For 30 years he has been the man in my life, my voice of wisdom and strength. But today I began to see the tides turning. Although I have before thought about what it will be like someday without my father, today I actually pondered those thoughts. I found myself taking an exorbitant amount of pictures just to capture these moments for myself. I hope that is not too selfish. So now I sit here in the dark, very thankful that I had a g...

My Memory

This time of year one hears a lot about national coming out day  which happens to fall this week. So I decided that it would be a good time to share my story as well. I spent the day yesterday retracing my first few months in Madison down on State Street. When I first moved here I really did not have anywhere to go and I certainly didn't know anyone, so I would spend hours walking down the street and watching people. Many times I would sit and write or read, I find that this was one of the most creative periods of my life. Anyway, it amazed me then, and I felt it yesterday, that even around so many people a person can feel so alone. I knew long ago that I was gay, I would say early teens. Unfortunately, where I grew up and in my family, being gay was one of the biggest taboos that one could be. Growing up in such a religious family and area, diversity was not high on the list of things encouraged. When I finally accepted myself I was resigned to ...

Track star Marion Jones admits doping before 2000 Sydney Games - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports

  Track star Marion Jones admits doping before 2000 Sydney Games - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports Growing up I admired women like Jackie Joyner Kersee and Florence Griffith Joyner aka Flo Jo. These women were the track stars that I wanted to be like some day. Their blazing records and pictures I would plaster on my walls and talk about at track practice. I remember watching the Olympics late at night, dreaming of my day in the lights. I can only imagine the kids of today that looked up to their hero Marion Jones. It is sad that girls don't have that to look up to anymore. The normal "everyday" woman will have to start showing kids that everyone can be a hero. By having a sponsorship with Nike or Adidas does not mean you are deserving of respect or honor.

Who Would I Be?

So is it wrong that I am wishing it was Friday and it is only Monday night?! I have just been in this funk lately and I am trying to pull myself up and out of it. Nothing seems to be working though, hopefully this is just momentary pause in life to pay attention to my surroundings and to help steer me in the right direction. Not that she reads my musings on here but my cousin Manda had a baby yesterday. Congratulations!! That actually had me thinking just now..where would I be if I never left the Jenison MI area.. would I also be married with children of my own?! Is that the life that "would have been" had I not been able to find myself? I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, you make choices, meet people and have certain events happen in your life for a purpose. What would I say to myself if I could go back in time. Would I make the same choices if I knew the outcomes? Would I just tell myself that I would be alright, that there is a light at the end of the...