Mommas got to have a root canal
yeah not happy about that. Okay I am petrified about that. I made a lot of phone calls on the way home last night to people that have had these, according to them it's a piece of cake. Now I rather like cake, it's the frosting that I enjoy the most but whatever, cake makes me smile. Dentist? not so much! And, because I already had the day after labor day off (needed a Jenn day) guess when I am I having this darn got it, on my day off! grr!!
However, to make my day slightly better, I did just get an email that we have a gear package for hockey so I just need to put my order in and get trying on stuff. So, I am very excited about that, however, slightly nervous. Thankfully I have a wonderful mentor Lora to help me out! Let the fun begin!!