Busy Week

Well this will be a busy week..I have been packing for Michigan today and I am quite excited to be going on Tues after work. This will be a great training event as well as seeing some family and friends.
School was FINALLY over on Thurs, I had to turn in my senior project paper which was 18 pages and did a 20 min PowerPoint presentation. But I actually just opened up my grades from my online class and I did manage to pull out a B, which is not stellar by any means but by this point I was settling for passing :O) Now I just have to wait on the grades from my senior project so that will be interesting to see what happens there.
I start my funky work schedule this week as well so we will see how that goes, not happy about the 10-630 tomorrow night and 6-230 on tues but that's what happens...however, I do have a purchase of the Canon Rebel XT tomorrow evening, so I am excited about that. It will be fun to test it out on vacation!