I cannot believe I am sitting back in my living room again. What a week, it's been a lot of fun, and I am very tired now. I had the chance to see some old friends and some family. Let's see, rolled into town on Tuesday night and spent a few hours chatting with mom and dad before turning in. Wednesday we weren't sure what the weather would do, supposedly it was going to rain, so we went into Holland and I toured my parents new condo, went to visit their antique mall and grabbed some lunch before heading back to Sandy Pines. I was quite impressed with the condo and I must say it's nice knowing that they are only just down the road from a lot of family. We had some great fireworks at Sandy Pines, they do quite a show for a resort that size, people come from all over! On Thurs I met Jen, someone I have know for over 25 years, hard to believe it's been that long. But, what I love about Jen is that either one of us can pick up the phone and talk like we haven't misse...