Today it's over
Well in 12 hours from right now, this very minuet, I will be done with school. 12 years from the beginning of this journey that started at Ferris State University in Big Rapids Michigan. Who knew I would be in Madison WI now.. feels strange in a way. Don't get me wrong, I will not miss the straight-from-work dive-right-into-school life I have lead for the last year. Granted all that that hard work got me on the Dean's list as well which is another first! But I will not miss the 10 page pagers for each class, and my inability to work on them DURING the 8 weeks, always doing them the night before. Must be a true student talking. In fact, with the exception to planning my trip to MI right now, I don't know what I will do with all of my extra time. Perhaps I will get to putting the laundry away in a more timely fashion, or putting away the dishes every night. That's what I hope, it's a new beginning, it's nice to be done. Now it's time to start living, oh yeah...